Question: How accurate should I be when timing task and job activities and should I include things like admin time?
Answer: The more accurate you can make your activity timing the more accurate and useful your information will be in the analysis tables. Generally do not include time taken for personal needs (coffee, answering the phone/door, patting the dog), and do not include administration time for tasks like invoicing, marketing and meetings for example.
Do include tasks that are essential to completing the job, such as author/client queries, either by phone or email or research to check facts or format for example. Consistency and accuracy is particularly important if you plan to use the Quote Builder, as this function already builds in time for personal needs and business administration (see the comment on cell C22 of the Quote Builder).
If you would like to record business administration time using PEPPAA, just create a set of tasks on the List Mgmt sheet and book your time to that task for that client, for example Invoicing, Marketing, Quoting.
Tip: Microsoft Outlook has a journal function which is ideal for recording time and any project specific notes. To activate the Journal in all versions of Outlook from 2013 onward, press CTRL 8, then click Journal Entry on the ribbon. To return to Outlook Email, click the small envelope icon in the bottom left corner of the Outlook window.