PEPPAA version 1.3.1 is currently undergoing testing prior to release. This is an interim release to fix the freeze panes/scrolling issue and will be sent to all current subscribers, free of charge. Also, all current active licence holders qualify for a free data migration service to move their current data to the new version, contact us directly for further information on this service.
What is in V1.3.1?
Fixes the freeze pane/scrolling issue that can occur when using a form whilst filters are applied to the Main Data Sheet
Provision for the Mark as Paid date to be cleared
Adds a new column to the System Generated Fields that converts the month number into a word, this can be used or added to any pivot table
Modified forms and reformatted column headers removing the £ sign, enabling non-GBP versions to be produced and delivered more quickly. Non-GBP versions are available on request
Some code tidying to increase performance
PEPPAA V1.3.1 is now available for download from our website.